November 1, 1997
Organisation: General Accident Life1
Period: November 1997 - September 1999
Migration of existing functionality from legacy platforms to a new platform on a mainframe. Responsible for analysis, design, coding, testing, deployment and support of contained areas of migrated functionality. Support maintained until a suitable warranty period had occurred after which a full handover to the OM support team was carried out.
Working on migrating functionality in legacy systems to a newer workflow management system (‘Office Management’ a.k.a. ‘OM’) as part of the Y2K programme. During this time I developed particular expertise in all aspects for printing from OM and was recognised as a departmental expert in OM document management.
I also developed a number of developer tools as part of the in-house RAD workbench suite and sets of documentation from scratch on new functionality and OM document management.
Skill Set:
General Accident underwent a merger in 1998 and became part of CGU. CGU underwent a merger in 2000 and became part of Norwich Union. ↩