


Stephen Millard

October 22, 2023



This page includes the following courses:

  1. Win Arguments and Incdfluence Like a Lawyer
  2. Eight Easy Ways to Maker Your Presentation Stand Out
  3. How to Speak So People Want to Listen


Win Arguments and Incdfluence Like a Lawyer

Institution: LinkedIn

Issued: 22 October 2023

Certification: PDF


Do you often find yourself in a situation where you know you’re on the right side of an argument, but either can’t articulate your points or just can’t convince someone? Maybe you got defensive, or lost your temper, or otherwise made a mess of the whole thing. For lawyers, cleaning up arguments is just part of the job description, and in this course, attorney Jefferson Fisher shares actionable strategies to be more influential and effective to get your side of an argument across. Jefferson shows you how to skillfully steer arguments and moments of influence like an attorney, and leads you through framing an argument, navigating conflict, and finding resolution.

Eight Easy Ways to Maker Your Presentation Stand Out

Institution: LinkedIn

Issued: 22 October 2023

Certification: PDF


Making your PowerPoint slides more polished and engaging is easier than you think. In this short course, presentation guru Jole Simmons shares some helpful tricks to take your PowerPoint game to a new level. First, Jole teaches how to take both the presenter and the audience into account in your design approach. Next, learn to identify the main points of the story you’re trying to tell in PowerPoint. Find out how to go the extra mile in making design calls. Explore some ways to convey your information without forcing everybody to read what’s on the slide. Learn how to break information into threes, for better learning retention. Jole also discusses how to make sure your presentation is inclusive and geared towards a variety of people. Then, discover ways to add life to your slides with a well-placed surprise. Jole explains continuity, flow, and how to bring it all together.

How to Speak So People Want to Listen

Institution: LinkedIn

Issued: 22 October 2023

Certification: PDF


Do you want to be an engaging speaker? In this audio-only course from How to Be Awesome at Your Job, international speaker Julian Treasure shares tactics and techniques that improve how you communicate. Julian stresses the importance of learning how to listen first. Understanding how your audience listens will improve your speaking. Julian shows you words to avoid and roadblocks to work around. If you’re more concerned about looking good or being right than you are about giving value to your audience, then your presentation won’t have any impact. Julian shows you ways to vary how you speak to keep your voice engaging. Change up your pace, tone, pitch, and volume to make your speaking more dynamic. You can also resonate your voice from your chest to sound more authoritative. Julian encourages you to keep your posture straight for more powerful speaking. Hunching prevents you from using your voice at its best. Julian concludes with the four C’s of good listening.

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